Sarah Bax Horton

Sarah Bax Horton was born in Swansea and grew up in South Wales. A former civil servant and police volunteer, she is now a full-time true crime writer. Her debut book is ‘One-Armed Jack: Uncovering the real Jack the Ripper’. Inspired by her Victorian police ancestor, Harry Garrett, a sergeant who worked on the Jack the Ripper case, she re-examined the available evidence. Her hypothesis is that Whitechapel cigar maker Hyam Hyams was Jack the Ripper, based on his match to criminal profiles and eye-witness accounts recording distinctive characteristics that are also listed in his official  medical files.

When not researching and writing, Sarah enjoys outdoor pursuits and listening to an eclectic mix of music.

‘One-Armed Jack: Uncovering the real Jack the Ripper’ is widely available.