Where I Write: Philip Gwynne Jones

Where I write – Philip Gwynne Jones

I refer to my first two novels as my “sofa novels” as, living in a tiny flat without the luxury of a spare room, that is where they had to be written. The following three were my “library novels”, with the majority of the writing taking place in either the Marciana Library or the Palazzo Querini Stampalia. But now I’m fortunate enough to have something that we might define as an actual study. So let’s take a look at it…

Firstly – and this is good advice for any writer – get a decent chair. Your back will thank you for it. I’m helped in this by my Peter Cushing Cushion!

Now, let’s have a look at what’s on my desk. The print, “From the Cave”, is by Antony Gormley. I’ve always liked Gormley. So much so that in 2009, as part of his “One and Other” public art project, I stood on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square and read from “In Search of Lost Time” for an hour. Another story, for another time! But I particularly like this piece, there’s almost an HP Lovecraft “At the Mountains of Madness” vibe to it.

Here we have a collection of Royal Mail Pink Floyd stamps that Caroline gave me for Christmas a few years back. Nathan and Dario, of course, do love their seventies prog. It’s just a shame there’s no Hawkwind edition, but I’m sure that can only be a matter of time.

On then, to what I call my “Oscar”. It’s a publicity piece from Waterstones from when my debut, “The Venetian Game”, unexpectedly but wonderfully became their Thriller of the Month. Caroline had it framed up for me a few years ago. Perhaps it’s a little vain to have it there but, really, it was a once-in-a-career experience. And, yes, I’m very proud of it!

Now, I have a long-running obsession with horror films and, in particular, the works of the Italian horror maestro Dario Argento. If you’ve seen examples of his work in the giallo genre – for example The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, Deep Red or Tenebre – you’ll be familiar with the motif of the killer wearing black leather gloves. And so here we have a black leather glove signed by the man himself! It’s actually too small for me to put on – but don’t think I haven’t tried!

Notebooks! Well, of course there have to be notebooks. Here we have a representative sample. I like small pocket-sized Leuchturms for travelling with (my Brilliant Australian Friends, Peter and Lou, have kept me well stocked with these over the years). I discovered on a recent trip to the UK that I quite like writing freehand, and so there are a few larger ones for use in hotel rooms and the like.

As to the view? Well, I can see the Giudecca canal from my study. Admittedly, I have to crane my head out of the window, but it’s still there!

Oh, and of course, there has to be Mimi. The writing day wouldn’t be complete without her trying to help in her own particular way…I’m sure all writers with cats are familiar with this!

And so, with that, Mimi and I wish you all happy reading and writing!

Philip Gwynne Jones was born in Swansea and grew up in South Wales. He spent twenty years in the IT industry before realising he was congenitally unsuited to it, and now works as a writer and translator. He now lives in Venice with his wife Caroline, and a modestly friendly cat called Mimì. He enjoys old horror films and listens to far too much Italian Progressive Rock.

     Philip is the author of the best-selling Nathan Sutherland series, the eighth of which, The Venetian Sanctuary, will be published on July 4 2024.

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